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Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM

Summer Camps

Kids Camp - June 9-12
Youth Camp - July 28 - August 1
Registration Opens April 1

Join us each Wednesday at 6:30 as we dive into God’s Word.

Join us in person or via Zoom. Sign up for the Email Bulletin below for the Zoom Meeting link.

Overcoming Life’s Struggles is a depression and anxiety support group that meets the last Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. This month’s meeting is February 27.

Men's Advance - March 28-29

Experience a powerful weekend of worship, teaching and fellowship. Evangelist Joe Anderson along with other dynamic breakout speakers will challenge and equip you to step up!

EQUIP - 4/25-26

The Equip Conference is designed to encourage, empower, and resource pastors and volunteer leaders to fulfill their purpose within the local church.

Family Camp

June 27 - July 6

Register online at Talk with Pastor Austin if you need help registering.

April 6 - Guest Speaker Andy Mixer
April 13 @ 2 PM - Bluegrass Concert

Sign up for weekly Email Bulletin updates

Or Text “NEWS” to (877)892-5996